Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Captain

Throughout the years he had worn different hats, worked with the best, and come up the ranks until he was in a position of command. However, after many years at sea, the captain asked himself whether he was going in the right direction. His original pursuit wasn't obtaining power, wealth, or even status. His only concern was finding the two ingredients that brewed so many dreams: love and happiness. Two ingredients that he himself could hardly fathom yet he would wander in his mind and reminisce
He remembered his long days in the kitchens perfumed by the smell of fresh garlic, and bread baking in the ovens set ablaze with large oak logs. What power the flames had to break down such hard wood, yet the flames were gentle enough to provide a plentiful supply of succulent bread. 
In those days, he was only a boy, but he had a firm grasp about life in his own way. Not once had he ever won any battles in love nor in war, and when he fell back he found glory in defeat and a wealth of knowledge from a broken sword. Even the most dangerous of adversaries were not a threat; any threat was more importantly a learning experience. In years to come there was no promise he would win, but he could promise that if he lost he would lose on his feet but never on his knees. 

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