Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Change of Collar...

He has descended from the high ranks where battles are fought with eloquence, written words close deals, and impacting decisions are made. On any given day, his attire consisted of ties, button up dress shirts, finely ironed dress pants, and impeccably shined oxfords. His walk was steady but suave, and his presence was acknowledged where ever he found himself. He was regarded as a well groomed and educated man; respect was easily achieved. The question on other people's mind was always what can he do for us?

Today, his walk is still steady and confident though his presence is not acknowledged. He could easily be missed amongst the people who walk alongside of him. The oxfords have abandoned him and his tie has flown away like a bird in winter. His reality is now a pair of all-terrain comfort boots and blue jeans. Respect is not easily achieved he is regarded as a silent laboring ghost. He walks, he works, and he carries. The question on other people's mind is how much can he do for us?

Education and Wisdom

There's many things that can be despised or disrespected but education among other priceless values cannot and should not be dragged low. Wisdom is not obtained or acquired with cash or gold. You can purchase a seat in a good educational program or school but you do not reap the benefit upon purchase. You have to dedicate a lot of time and energy into your studies and have the willingness to learn, grow, and change.

Is it that people have developed an impenetrable stone heart? Is it that students no longer put in the time and allow themselves to be moved and be transformed?