Friday, August 31, 2012

A Blueberry Journey

As we neared Blueberry Hill in Wapato we saw signs advertising the blue delights, but upon arrival to our surprise there was a bi-fold closed sign. We couldn't believe it and we refused to believe it because it was around mid August. Just days ago my brother had been picking and now it was closed? Against my girlfriend's objections I decided to drive in and head to the area that looked like my brother's description. There we were waiting for anything but no one seemed to be around, so I turned the car around and started to drive back the way I came. Then suddenly out of no where appeared a man with glasses. I waved with newly awakened hope and a smile and he waved back. He approached the car and I asked if they were really closed even though their message mentioned 7am as opening time. He nodded his head, said yes, but then told us he would let us pick until 11am if that was ok and I said you got yourself a deal. We got out of the car, he provided us with buckets, and we started picking. 

My girlfriend, her little sister, and I each armed with a bucket picked, picked, and picked. We all wanted to fill our bucket first and got carried away by the race mentality. In the end at the weigh station the moment of truth arrived. Sure I won with almost seven pounds but I paid the cost to be the boss. In total, we picked almost 18 lbs and we achieved this feat in less than an hour. However, in less than hour I also paid 28 bucks! It was well worth it though. Everyone had fun and we got a whole lot of blueberries. Plus, I even did some delicious baking!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The School Supply List SAYS THIS NOT THAT...

Customer Service Associate (CSA) - "I'm sorry but we're completely out of the Pink Pearl Erasers; however, we do have White Pearl Erasers as well as other brands of erasers."

Customer - "No! The list says my kid needs Pink Pearl Erasers!"

        I still have vivid memories of my days of working at an office supply store during the back to school season. How can I forget? Quite frankly, it was a dreaded and hectic time at the store as aisles were rearranged, new item end caps were created, special price tags were printed, and a whole lot of man power and hours were dedicated to the tedious details of this fall ritual. 
        This event is not as simple as it seems. It consists of people waking up earlier than the early bird that gets the worm, and people returning home even after the cows came home. All this, for your shopping convenience. Of course, unless you like to shop a day before school begins, or the exact item on the school supply list is out of stock. 
        Some customers want a full explanation why the store is out of stock on a particular item, others become irate and blow smoke at the CSA, some even do daring acts of espionage taking self guided tours to the back of the store, others will walk away in dismay, but very few opt for another similar item.
        Have we become robots or zombies manipulated by the great power of the school supply list? Or do we fall victim to our unconscious passions and pride? Mission completed at all cost is what some people strive to achieve. What a feeling it is, to beat the system for once some may say, but did you really have to take that pack of Pink Pearl Erasers out of another customer's cart? The answer is no.
        Please take the time to consider other options besides what's written on the school supply list. A school supply list is not to be taken as if it's set in stone. It's written as a suggestion or advice to be taken with a grain of salt.