Service Associate (CSA) - "I'm sorry but we're completely out of the
Pink Pearl Erasers; however, we do have White Pearl Erasers as well as
other brands of erasers."
Customer - "No! The list says my kid needs Pink Pearl Erasers!"
I still have vivid memories of my days of working at an office supply
store during the back to school season. How can I forget? Quite frankly,
it was a dreaded and hectic time at the store as aisles were
rearranged, new item end caps were created, special price tags were
printed, and a whole lot of man power and hours were dedicated to the
tedious details of this fall ritual.
This event is not as simple as it seems. It consists of people waking
up earlier than the early bird that gets the worm, and people returning
home even after the cows came home. All this, for your shopping
convenience. Of course, unless you like to shop a day before school
begins, or the exact item on the school supply list is out of stock.
Some customers want a full explanation why the store is out of
stock on a particular item, others become irate and blow smoke at the
CSA, some even do daring acts of espionage taking self guided tours to
the back of the store, others will walk away in dismay, but very few opt
for another similar item.
we become robots or zombies manipulated by the great power of the school
supply list? Or do we fall victim to our unconscious passions and
pride? Mission completed at all cost is what some people strive to achieve. What
a feeling it is, to beat the system for once some may say, but did you
really have to take that pack of Pink Pearl Erasers out of another
customer's cart? The answer is no.
Please take the time to consider other options besides what's written on
the school supply list. A school supply list is not to be taken as if
it's set in stone. It's written as a suggestion or advice to be taken
with a grain of salt.