Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Destructive Path of Greed

Things are running smooth and all of a sudden an unexpected change arises. The agency wants more money and just can't seem to get enough. They will take any grant they can get their hands on without premeditating how the work will get done. They exchange quality work for quantity and put more pressure on their greatest resource: their employees. What used to be manageable is now overwhelming and one by one the employees retreat. They used to be happy and they had confidence and pride in the work they did. This is no longer the case. All control has been lost over what they do and how they do it, and there is no incentive to stay.

As a worker and colleague speak up and stand together. Take a stand against injustice and ignorance. Administration seems to forget that worker satisfaction, great service delivery, and agency/company longevity go hand in hand.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Three Birds On a Power Line

After a rainy morning while admiring the sky I came across three birds standing on a power line. I glazed at the birds who seemed to be in calm conversation without a worry in the world. I thought about the complexities of life and how what was so complex could also be so simple. My mind could only imagine what each of the birds was thinking...

There is no better life than a life of freedom. We took advantage of the rain, prowled all morning, and now we sit on top of the world with a full belly.

I do not worry about what I will wear nor do I work long hours. I  can live anywhere I desire. In fact, I have many homes, some I have constructed myself out of sticks, grass, and whatever material I could gather, yet others are giant structures old and new built of stone or wood.

I can travel as I please and I travel light. Sometimes I travel alone and other times very well accompanied. I visit different cities, towns, states, and can even cross national borders. I do not need a passport nor am I classified a foreigner. I am not questioned regarding the purpose of my trip and quite frankly I fly under the radar.

 I do not like to brag but I eat like a king. I have a lot to choose from when I'm in the big cities. Humans seem to throw away a lot of delightful food and all I need is a bite or two. Even in the smallest of cities or in the countryside I do not see a great recession. I am not picky and can dine on the most humble meal of seeds, worms, and insects. I also have unlimited acres of farmland consisting of crops, fruit trees, and berry bushes.

And they all agreed, "What more could we possibly need?"

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Change of Collar...

He has descended from the high ranks where battles are fought with eloquence, written words close deals, and impacting decisions are made. On any given day, his attire consisted of ties, button up dress shirts, finely ironed dress pants, and impeccably shined oxfords. His walk was steady but suave, and his presence was acknowledged where ever he found himself. He was regarded as a well groomed and educated man; respect was easily achieved. The question on other people's mind was always what can he do for us?

Today, his walk is still steady and confident though his presence is not acknowledged. He could easily be missed amongst the people who walk alongside of him. The oxfords have abandoned him and his tie has flown away like a bird in winter. His reality is now a pair of all-terrain comfort boots and blue jeans. Respect is not easily achieved he is regarded as a silent laboring ghost. He walks, he works, and he carries. The question on other people's mind is how much can he do for us?

Education and Wisdom

There's many things that can be despised or disrespected but education among other priceless values cannot and should not be dragged low. Wisdom is not obtained or acquired with cash or gold. You can purchase a seat in a good educational program or school but you do not reap the benefit upon purchase. You have to dedicate a lot of time and energy into your studies and have the willingness to learn, grow, and change.

Is it that people have developed an impenetrable stone heart? Is it that students no longer put in the time and allow themselves to be moved and be transformed? 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Library In a Small Town...

A lonely library in Toppenish, WA.
Hundreds of people pass by blinded by ignorance. I've witnessed these people full of emptiness talk and laugh about nothing. To their misfortune they are as foreign to knowledge as a prisoner to freedom. It is unknown for sure whether this case is the result of a failed system or whether this is the work of societal brainwashing. However, for this crime there is no investigation nor will there ever be one.
Those of higher power will say, "the resources were there but they have failed to utilize them, we have done our part." This will justify the cutting of funds and loss of jobs for those who believe in change. 
Pray, I say. Pray, that things do change because I believe. If only one or two make it to sea that is death to an extinction that's predicted to be.
Seek love, seek faith, and seek knowledge. These three traits will send a person further than college.  

Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Day In the Office...

Just like any other day in the office, a man works for the collective, the well being of everyone else, the organization, or company in what is a capitalist system. Within this system there are goals and they have to be met. There are stacks of papers and they have to be filed. There are also a million other things you are asked to assist in as well as in planning and development. Not to mention, case notes that have been jotted down in the field and need to be typed into the database about every interaction with a client. 
It is asked that you only work eight hours, you are reminded on a daily basis that there is no overtime, but if you do accumulate extra time you are asked to flex it. Then after you have flexed your extra time, you return to the office, and are asked whether you have completed your work. Then here comes another pile...

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Simplest of Things

There's no doubt that the simplest things in life are those that bring us the most joy. This spring, I find myself growing a whole lot of pepper plants, blueberry bushes, and a wide variety of food. I have learned quite a bit about plants and also about the soil. I have even gone into Starbucks to ask whether they participate in the grounds for gardeners program and it's been great! I don't know if this comes with age or with home ownership, but I can tell you this is a new founded way of life. It's inspiration at its finest.

A Pinch of Wisdom 
All people come to a time in their life when they no longer know what direction to take. Even men of great strategy that had a plotted course in the darkest of nights come to a moment that they are at a loss about their next move. However, the big question is whether there is fear in the heart. 
Not in mine... I am well aware of my position and I proceed with cautious curiosity. Within my years, I've learned that we maneuver the ship but we need the wind to guide us. The wind, the same invisible hand that uplifts our tired body after long hot day of work with a subtle breeze. 
Like in life, gardening teaches us a valuable lesson. That if we are able to plant the seed with love, water it with hope, the hand of God takes over, and provides us with sustenance to continue our journey. For that is why I do not fear because I know you are with me.